Read This Before You Write Your Letter of Recommendation (LoR)

March 15, 2023

Read This Before You Write Your Letter of Recommendation (LoR)

Being asked to write a recommendation letter is a great privilege especially by a student applying for postgraduate studies abroad. It can mean that the student acknowledge and respect you but sometimes you might not know what to write or you are unsure of what is supposed to be on an LoR and you don’t want to disappoint them. 

In this article, we will outline all the details you need to know about a letter of recommendation and how to write one for admission application.

The Letter of Recommendation is one of the most important documents that are submitted when applying for studies in an international university especially for post-graduate programs like masters, PhD, etc. This letter is submitted to attest for the academic and professional abilities and values of the applicant therefore it is important that you take great care when writing a recommendation letter or asking for one.

What is a letter of recommendation?

A letter of recommendation is a letter written by a third-party to verify your academic and professional performance and achievements. The recommendation letters is typically written by your former supervisor, mentor or lecturer because they have created a working relationship with you and they are aware of your professional and academic growth and achievements. 

Types of letter of recommendation

During postgraduate admission application, there are two types of recommendation letters usually demanded for by the admission board and they are: academic and professional recommendation letter.

Academic Letter of Recommendation: The academic letter of recommendation is written by a lecturer, professor or head of department in your university. The academic recommendation letter talks about your academic accomplishments, awards and achievements you attained as a student. The academic recommendation letter should be placed on the letterhead of a professor or the university.

Professional Letter of Recommendation: The professional letter of recommendation is mostly written by a direct supervisor, mentor or a colleague of higher position in your workplace. However, there are fresh graduates who don’t have any work; they can get a professional recommendation letter from volunteer organizations or communities. This letter has its main focus on your professional qualifications, work ethics and work history. This recommendation letter must be placed on the letterhead of your workplace. 

How to Write a Letter of Recommendation 

There are different templates and requirements for writing a recommendation letter but generally, a recommendation letter should contain:

  • Date
  • Recipient Information
  • Greeting
  • Introduction
  • Body of the Recommendation
  • Conclusion
  • Contact Information
  • Signature

Date: Every recommendation letter should start with the date the letter was written. It is a very important part of the recommendation letter and shouldn’t be overlooked.

Recipient Information: This involves the recipient’s title, name and address. 

Greeting: The greeting in the letter of recommendation is always straightforward. In a case where the name of the person being addressed is revealed, you can address them by their name (Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms.) but if the name is not revealed you can simply write ‘To Whom it May Concern’ or ‘Dear Admission Committee’.

Introduction: The introduction paragraph is where you introduce yourself, the relationship you have with the candidate and your position and area of experience. In this paragraph it is important to highlight how much you know the candidate and the position you have in their academic or professional history.

Body of Recommendation: This paragraph is where you elaborate on why you think the candidate is perfect fit for the admission. You can portray the candidate’s positive traits, highlight their passion for the field and describe their potentials and professional growth. You can vouch for their academic/professional history and experiences. 

Conclusion: In conclusion, summarize the candidate’s strengths and qualities. Point out to the admission board what the university can benefit from the candidate as well as the benefits the candidate can gain from the university.

Contact Information: This is where you put down you information like email address, phone number and LinkedIn contact information.

Signature: You can sign off the letter with ‘Best Regards’, your name, professional title and a signature.


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