Our Services

Personal Statement

A personal statement/statement of purpose is an essay which consists of your achievements, qualifications, skills and values typically submitted as part of a university application and used to prove why you should be chosen for a program.

Cover letter

A cover letter is a document submitted as part of a job application that introduces you as a candidate, outlines your skills and qualifications, and explains why you are the best choice for the position.

Linkedin Optimization

LinkedIn Optimization entails upgrading your LinkedIn profile to make it more visible and uploading an up-to-date resume in order to attract more employers, expand your network, and get good recommendations on your profile.


A CV/Resume is a professional summary of your educational background and career. It consists of your educational qualification, work experiences, achievements and skills.


Explanation Letter is a letter you add to your study permit application which is written to explain issues like missing document, unclear proof of funds and other aspects of your application that may raise questions or concerns from the immigration office.

Visa SOP or statement of purpose for visa application is a document you submit to the immigration office explaining why you should be granted visa to study in the university in their country.

Study Gap is a statement you submit addressing the breaks in your academic advancement and also explains, in details, the reason for the break/gaps.

Recommendation/Reference Letter is a letter written by a third party highlighting your skills, qualifications and values. This letter can be academic or professional.


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